Try to remember that kind of September when life was slow and oh, so mellow....
Jackie has returned to NYC from Greece!
How was it? Well, words can't really describe, but I will try. Accompanied by the sun, sea, and total freedom, I allowed the Greek islands to work their magic to guide me through the adventure of a lifetime. I learned so much, saw the most miraculous views, danced, laughed, kissed, caused trouble, danced some more, cried, loved, lived. Greece reconnected me with very important people and introduced me to people who have completely inspired me. I somehow fell even more in love with that incredible country. I also learned a couple more Greek words...but my Greek is still pretty awful.
So, what will I do with this? Another cabaret? A book? Unclear at the moment. We'll find out.
Naturally, I didn't really take too much of a break while I was traveling. How lucky was I to also be able to submit all my self-tapes while celebrating theater in the birthplace of theater?
So, here I am back in the city - it was a very rough transition (involving rodent infestations, a lot of mishaps in the American healthcare system, etc.), but I am realizing that being in this city means being surrounded by some of the most beautiful and grounded people on this planet. It will always be home, and it's good to be home right now.
I always said wanted to be first in line for the return of Broadway. I'm filling my little free time with seeing as many shows possible, and it's been invigorating. I'll never again take for granted the gift of sitting in a theater for a live performance.
I'm hard-core hustling and gigging again, self-taping, and still making time to soak up all of the magic of NYC. So, I'm keeping busy, per usual.
Also, a LOT of yoga.
While I miss Greece dearly, the city reminds me daily of how lucky I am to be alive.
Okay also - our MFA Digital Showcase is now available for viewing!! Click here to see some of my work!!
Try to remember, and if you remember, then follow...follow follow follow follow follow follow follow followwww......