When I was little, I always pronounced it “Feb-YOU-ary”. There are a whole bunch of people who still do this. But that’s okay, because maybe this month should be about YOU, right?!
January was at least 67 years. I started out on a big solo trip to California driving the coast (which was amazing) and felt a little bit of travel depression afterwards, so I’ve been trying to stay focused on the work. This is really hard when the solemness of the winter hits, so I’m also trying to remember that it’s important to be kind to myself.
I had a LOT of cool background work in January - there was one day where I got to be a pregnant lady on set all day. It was totally annoying carrying around 20 more pounds in my mid-section, and my back hurt SO much afterwards, but everyone was also WAY nicer to me all day (until I took the fake belly off and they realized I was just another commoner). But look how cute I looked!
I also did stand-in work for the first time, which was really exciting. After working in the background for so long, it’s been really cool to have the opportunity to work closer to the camera and with the visionaries - you get to see the story come together in a really exciting way.
Other than that, I’ve been submitting tapes, going to callbacks, taking a bunch of classes at The Growing Studio, and trying to stay warm.
Honestly, I’ve also been missing Greece terribly over the past few weeks. They’ve been hit pretty hard with the snow, but I find myself constantly looking at pictures of my beautiful islands covered in white. I can’t wait to go back (it might have to be very soon, cause she’s losing her mind a little bit).
The end of January was weird because for some reason I felt super alone - while also feeling like I have the best friends in the entire world. The winter months make me very sentimental, but it’s a good time to remind myself that life exists in oppositions. All will be okay.
In February, I’m looking forward to going to my amazing friend’s wedding in Colorado Springs, taking a few very exciting classes, working on set for a few shows I’ve been dying to work on, and seeing a whole bunch of theater. Trying to stay sane. Yoga. Breathing. Also hoping that we don’t have to wear masks for much longer because that combined with the horrid winter air is making me break out a whole lot and the bottom half of my face looks like the perpendicular Phantom of the Opera (also, I saw the anniversary show last month and WOW was that magical).
Also - I am actively seeking representation!! Let’s make money together!!!!
Also, seeking someone to take me out for steak, red wine, and chocolate around Valentine’s Day. No feelings allowed, just a free meal because frankly I deserve it.
Happy February, everyone!!